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Staff 540.269.9703

Director of Coaching

Jason Moore

Email | Ext 540.269.9703 Ext 501

USSF "B" License
USC Premier Diploma
USYS National Youth License
USC Level III Goal Keeping License
VYSA State ODP Staff
Philadelphia Ukrainian Nationals
Girls Academy Director - Skyline Elite
SOCA Elite Head Coach
2 Time State Cup Champion
Former DOC, Harrisonburg Soccer Assoc.
JMU Women's Assistant Coach
Bethel College M/W Head Coach,
EMU Women's Assistant
EMHS Girls - Head Coach

Playing Experience:
Eastern Mennonite University 1994-1998
Team Captain

Education: Bachelors - Recreation and Sport Leadership - Eastern Mennonite University

Director of Recreation

Shular Smith

Email | Ext 540.269.9703 Ext 502


SVU Coach - 2020- Present
Own Touch Trainer - Richmond- 2016-2020
Kickers ADP Head Coach u9/10 - 2016-2019

Bachelor's Sports and Recreation Management - James Madison University

Operations Administrator

Isabel Romero

Email | Ext 540.269.9703 Ext 503

Director of Travel Soccer - Senior Boys and Girls

Eric Hash


USSF 'C' License
Men's Assistant Coach- Johnson University
12 years Coaching High School in Indiana and Virginia
Currently at Spotswood High School
Virginia ODP State Staff
Charlottesville Alliance
Danville Soccer Club - Director of Coaching

Playing Experience:
Johnson University (4 Years)

Masters of Management and Leadership - Liberty University
B.S. - Youth Ministry - Johnson University